Exciting Announcement

Hello all,

I will be offering a first time parent group at a new location in Roslindale this fall. I am excited to start this new phase of my business and hope you will spread the word.

Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!

Getting Started (For new parents and babies 2-14 weeks)

Join experienced postpartum doula Rachel Hess in a 5 week series with other new parents and their babies. You will find support, information, and fun in these sessions. Each week parents will have a chance to share their fears, questions, and joys in a non-judgmental environment. Every week there will be a different topic of discussion as well as time to get to know each other. Topics include: Sleep, feeding, your new identity as a parent, postpartum mood adjustment, and developmental milestones.  At the end of every class we will spend some time together in a mini “circle time,” learning new ways to play with your newborn.
Join us for this exciting new group.
$135 for one parent and their newborn (multiples welcome at no extra charge)
5 week 1.5 hour series
When: Fridays, 1:00pm-2:30pm
Dates: September 22, 29, October 6, 13, and 27 (no class on October 20th).
Where: Akasha Yoga Studio in Roslindale, 20 Birch Street
Register here.
Questions? Email me at rachelhessdoula@gmail.com